The word

Ever since I was a young child that could grip a pencil, I wrote;  scraps and pieces and this and that.  For the most of the last decade, I have not had much time to write.  I was too busy being a mom, but now as my kids grow older, I have more time to pursue my dream of being a writer. 

I believe the time is right for me, I am old enough to have built a library of experiences, wise enough to use them and young enough to be able to use them.

 I believe in the power of words and the power of words to change the world. The world is a big place but there are a lot of words.  Words can unite people. A well-crafted story can take the reader on a journey they couldn’t have gone on otherwise.  I myself have lived many lives through the eyes of another by reading a good book or story…or a good blog.

Just last night I visited the blog of an individual who was not only a talented writer but someone who had a story to tell of a life that I am not well versed in. Through the words of that person I got a small glimpse into a life I wouldn’t have known.  A unique view.  I came away feeling enriched and inspired.

I was inspired enough to ask myself  “Why am writing, what is my message?”  There is no denying that I am compelled to write and now that I am doing it regularly, I feel uneasy and unsettled when I don’t.   Writing has become a part of me that I cannot live without. It is the air that I breathe and it has taken my soul.

I can pour my thoughts out on paper in a way I never could by just speaking.  The more I write, the easier it comes and the more I can produce at a given time.

I am a private and solitary person. I suffer from some social phobias and generally I have found much difficulty in communicating orally.  The written word gives me an outlet to the outside world.

I want to someday inspire others with my words, inspire the good to be great and the bad to be better… perhaps save the world a bit here or there.. a tiny bit of it or myself, anyway.  The world is a big place and I am but one person… I do dream. It may be stupid and it may be futile, but it is better to dream than to not to. So…here I am dreaming and writing away….And wishing you a…


Good Night….    Strawberryindigo.

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

2 thoughts on “The word”

  1. This is a beautiful post, your words are so excellent; so poignant. That words can take us on a journey that we otherwise wouldn’t have experienced, is one of the loveliest ideas I have ever seen written down. It’s going to keep me inspired for the rest of the day, so thank you 🙂

