Liebster blog award nominees

Last week I went for a walk and I may I have wandered a bit too far because before I knew it, I had fallen off the edge of the world and slid down a deep hole into the dark recesses of my strange imagination.  There I pondered the mysteries of the universe while taking pictures and writing bad poetry.

Imagine my surprise upon returning to find a message informing me of my nomination for the Liebster blog award.  An award given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve a little recognition. I don’t receive many awards, in fact I am an award virgin and being new to all this, I am a bit overwhelmed.

I am also more than a bit  honored by receiving this award especially coming from such a bloggist as Nouvelle Fille. I am a follower of her blog Because I Said at and have found it  be well written and entertaining.  She is one to watch and if you haven’t checked out her blog, you should.  It is well worth your time.

(Thank you Nouvelle Fille! This is quite an honor coming from you because I think so much of you and your blog.)

According to the rules this is the part when I nominate 5 other deserving blogs:  So without further they are…(drumroll please) Wrestling the muse

    A well-written blog, professional looking and pleasing to the eye. Love out Loud

Positive and inspirational. Beautiful messages. Living Life in Color

Full of sage advise and a zest for life. Viva la Color! Reverend Hellfire’s Sunday Sermon

Don’t let the name scare you.  The good reverend is a sensitive soul and a smart writer. The Compulsive Explainer

A prolific and intelligent. Let him explain it all. You might learn something. I have.

These blogs have been standouts to me.  They are prime examples of what an excellent blog looks like.  Pure quality.

Have a Great Day!


Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

8 thoughts on “Liebster blog award nominees”

  1. WOW! 🙂
    I am honoured to receive this award! Thank you StrawberryIndigo!
    – Kim @ Wrestling the Muse
    Ps* Thank you for the lovely recommendation for my blog 🙂

