

Yes, you.

You know who you are.  You are the type to put yourself last in an endless array of somebody else’s.  Maybe it’s your family or a group of friends or co-workers, maybe its all of the above and then some.

I know you. You’ll say that you are needed and that you really enjoy what you are doing. This is true and it’s just like you to say that.  You might say that doing good has its own reward and to that I must wholeheartedly agree.  You make a lot of sense and definitely you are earning some major good karma points.  You certainly have earned my respect and the respect from many others.

You could even say that I am inspired by you……In all this there is no problem…

You deserve much praise for what you do. In that, again, there is no problem, everyone you know can see this, even if you yourself cannot.

In all that you see as important, in all that you do, how much of that importance is invested in yourself?

Because YOU ARE IMPORTANT!  You are unique. There is only one you……and you can’t be there for them unless you are there for you too.

Take the time for yourself once in a while. Do something you like to do.  Do nothing if that’s what you need. The important thing is that you do it, for you.

This is so important that they created a day especially for YOU.



Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

14 thoughts on “You”

  1. A great post and a very sweet message to all mothers! Although I must say that the message can go out to all women (and men) out there! We must all take the time to do something nice for ourselves – and teach our children to do it, too!


    1. Hey Love Out Loud. Nice to see you. 🙂
      I started to write it for all people who give of themselves and at the last minute decided to center it on Mom’s because it was Mother’s Day. You are right and the message can apply to wonderful and giving people from all walks of life.


  2. Isn’t that the one biggest thing we always forget, “you can’t be there for them unless you are there for you too.” We think we are sacrificing and giving to them, but what we are truly doing is robbing ourselves and them of our best.

