Dress me up weird Portland

Here I am in the middle of downtown Portland.  I am wandering around looking for interesting goings on to write about. Portland is a city that prides itself on being weird. Bumper stickers with the motto ” Keep Portland Weird” is plastered all over cars. People take this to heart around here. That is one of the aspects of Portland I enjoy the most.

So it is of relatively no surprise when I spy Robin. Yes, THAT one, Batman’s Robin. Well, it kind of looks like Robin, he’s got the costume except this guy is unshaven and dirty and is carrying a backpack.  He’s appears to be flying a sign asking for spare change.

I hear” Hey Robin!” from a passerby. Robin deftly and quite expertly flips the offender his middle finger, I begin to laugh and I try to snap a pic of the scene but the boy wonder is too quick for me and hides behind his sign by the time the flash goes off.

This is the sort of thing I came down here to find. The raw, the unusual, the sometime crazy but wild creativeness that is urban living. I have been witness to many strange scenes on the streets of Portland but never before have I purposely set out camera in tow to look for them.

I told my family I was going downtown for the excellent hubs of blatant consumerism that I have been known to frequent in the past. Little did they know I was setting out into the wilds of the urban jungle in search of a story, or a little adventure perhaps. At least I’d be getting some exercise and getting out of the house.

Robin was the first but certainly not the last person I saw in costume that afternoon.

It didn’t take long before I saw two others dressed up. I tried discreetly taking their picture which resulted in some not so good photos. I vowed to get a better shot next time. There seemed to be a theme going. People dressing up in costumes and just walking around going about their business like it was nothing.

I have to admit that I am probably a bit out of it. I am a middle-aged mom with two teenagers. I’m sure people have been walking around in costumes for years…” Where have you been lately?  You may ask. I don’t know… but I do know that it is a little strange, definitely Portland weird for sure and I like it. I not only like it….


I am jealous. I instantly wish I had worn some sort of really hip and happening kind of outfit, avant garde, edgy and creative….something with bright colors…wings too and boots!

I have always liked to dress up since I was a wee one. At five I would sneak into my Mother’s closet and try on her dresses and put on her makeup. As I grew older I would continue the tradition. I have always had a flair for the dramatic and when you are 10½ or even 20½ it’s considered cute and when you are 42, it’s odd to say the least. I realize this and have confined my dressing up to the only socially acceptable day for this sort of thing: My favorite holiday, Halloween.

I have accepted his little “fact” of life and I’ve gone along with it; waiting patiently for Halloween to arrive so I can let all my dramatic weirdness come out.  I’ve made it no secret that I am a big kid at heart. I think engaging in a little fantasy and play is good for one’s psyche.  Some of us take this adult thing way too seriously. We need fun and some of us won’t admit it.

I say embrace your inner child and if it doesn’t hurt anyone…Go for it!  No matter what it is…..as long as you have fun and who care what anyone thinks? Make a total fool of yourself (it’s not officially fun unless you do.)

So in the tradition of The Power Puff Girls and Robin, Larpers and Furries, Comic-cons and “crazies” let’s dress up!

Damn convention and all that….I DARE YOU!  

…I will if you do…



Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

27 thoughts on “Dress me up weird Portland”

  1. Is Portland home for you? I visited last summer with my daughter who was accepted to Reed College. We had a wonderful time and even though I couldn’t live there unless I had gobs of funds, I really loved it. 😉


  2. Charlotte has a keep Charlotte weird contingent…the problem is that you have to get weird first to then be “kept” weird. I have yet to see anyone dressed in costume in our downtown. I would have thought the financial meltdown would have inspired the swelled ranks of unemployed banking types to embrace fashions other than khaki pants and blue button-down collared shirts, but it didn’t happen. Once a bank headquarters, always a bank headquarters, I guess.
    The hat and mask and cape are really hot! Perhaps this will be your next photo shoot costume?


    1. Hi Janet: Be glad your city is not weird. I was dowtown just the other day–more weirdness. (I know this may sound a bit off but not all weirdness is good) There are ups and downs to it all…although I’m having fun…I have my eyes on my daughters butterfly wings she wore last year…


  3. Maybe they are normal, and we are weird. Nah . . .

    But, it takes effort to be weird. I’m just going to wait until everyone dresses weird. That will become the new normal, and my attire will then be weird.


  4. Some of those outfits really are weird!… The last one is rather dramatic… 😉
    OK, I’ll join you Strawberryindigo. I’ve got a rather fetching belly dancing outfit… will that do? (It’s bright pink!) 😀


    1. Hi Cathy: You have the right idea. Don your outfit and walk around the house, see how libeerating it is…walk around the neighborhood, go shopping. I bet you get a lot of attention, perhaps someone will snap your picture and put it on their blog, haha.
      I can’t wait for Halloween…

