Advice to new parents: You can never love your child too much

baby-pixie bay
Credit: Pixabay

I’ve been asked to provide some advice to a young couple expecting their first child, a girl, in a few months. I am honored to receive such a request and I thought I’d share my reply with you.

The light of your life

Parenthood changes you in ways you’d never imagine. You are one person one minute, probably sure of yourself and your place in the world with your own wants and desires. This is all you’ve had to worry about before: yourself.  Then suddenly, it is not just you anymore and in that flash of an instant your whole world and the way you view things is altered. From the first moment you hold that tiny fragile body in your arms and look into those big trusting eyes you will never be the same.

When I was a new parent, I scoured endless parenting books and I received tons of solicited and unsolicited advice. I couldn’t get enough. I was never so unsure of myself and never so scared and so careful. This tiny life was depending on me and I swore I’d never this child down.

Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.”
~Marcus Tullius Cicero~

The very first thing I learned and I think it was the most important: this resonates to this day. Trust yourself. You know more than you think. You have instincts and you will know your child more than anyone. This will trump anything and whatever anyone will tell you.

As a mom to two teens, one who recently entered adulthood and is about to graduate from high school, I feel a certain pride of accomplishment that both of them still talk to me after all this. They trust me and I trust them. I suppose that is because I never lost sight of the fact that they are human beings with feelings just as valid as anyone else. I think some parents lose sight of this obvious fact.

baby mother hands pixabay

No one is perfect

Never forget how you felt when you were a child. Bring this to the table when you deal with yours. She is her own person and will never quite be what you will expect. The only thing that you can expect is to be surprised…and you will be surprised. No one is perfect, your child not be and don’t expect one is perfect.

As your child ages and her understanding increases share yourself. She will be curious and will want to know about you. Don’t set up your past life as one of perfection. She will feel that she’ll never quite live up to your legend and this will carry over.  She will feel inadequate in some way and will never think she measures up in your eyes or hers..

Your child will value your opinion of them more than anyone else’s. Her self-esteem will be intricately tied up with that. Remember this. You as her parent will be the most important person in her life, especially in the first years when you will be her whole world.


Another piece of advice I have is to listen. Parents are full of opinions and talk and discipline, all this is vitally important but if your child doesn’t think you will listen and give her a fair shake, she will stop talking to you and once that trust is gone, it is almost impossible to get back.

Say what you mean and mean what you say.

Always follow up on any consequences you may give. Make no exceptions on this. Your child will always be testing you and pushing the limits. This is inevitable, don’t hold this against her. It is not personal, it is only human nature because she is only human….allow her to see your humanity as well. Your child will learn love and compassion from you. Lead by example not just by words. Kids notice more than you think they will and they have excellent memories.

BIG red heart


I’d say the most important thing is love. You can never love your child too much. Time passes so quickly, spend time together…you will never get this time back. Savor every moment.

So as you two embark on this journey.  Hold on for the ride of your lives…no matter what difficulties you may encounter; because I won’t sugar coat this, honestly; parenthood is tough. It will be the hardest thing you’ll ever do and it will test you and try you…but nothing will ever be as rewarding…or as worthwhile.

My prayers and best wishes to the both of you,

Love, Nancy

“Love begins at home”
~Mother Teresa~

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

22 thoughts on “Advice to new parents: You can never love your child too much”

    1. Thanks Joanne: I see this again and again with Parents making idle “threats” and not following through. I once carried my unruly 3 year old (at the time) out of a restaurant and we sat in the car for a half an hour, missed eating with the rest of the family and he never did anything like that again. I did not need to raise my voice or my hand ( never did that anyway) I’ve found just one time of following through and perhaps making “a mountain out of mole hill” does the trick. I never had to disipline him again for his public behavior. We once had our meal paid for by an anonymous patron at another restaurant a couple years later because the good behavior of both of our children, then about 9 and 6.
      Thanks again for your input. I truly appreciate that.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful words! I wish I could have read this after the birth of my first son. Such great advice, especially the part about trusting in yourself and remembering your childhood. And of course, the love part. Actually it is all wonderful advice that I am glad you shared.


  2. Well said. I really struggled to trust myself, as a new parent. I was endlessly worried about doing it all wrong. The reality is, most of us are good people. And it is actually quite difficult for good people to screw up their kids. So, if you can trust in that, the rest of it comes (relatively) easily. Though, a little wine doesn’t hurt once in awhile, too… 😉


  3. My 2 cents: always remember what it felt like to be a child to help understand your child’s perspective even if she can’t explain it. That doesn’t mean to cave into it 100%-you are still the one teaching ethics and responsibility-but it helps. Remember to listen…very important not to mute the child. And yes, the sleepless nights? That is ONLY 2 years or so…you will survive, and the rest will flash by so quickly. Enjoy.


  4. I’m not a parent but this is such a wonderful post! My parents raised me with tough love no hugs no kisses after I was in my teens. I just know now that the world is not a promise or place of love and if I can give my child even an extra day of love I’d do it!!


    1. Hi Mochabeanie: I know how you feel…I didn’t get much affection either, so I have made up for it with my own kids, who are teens now but still get and want hugs….aren’t hugs wonderful! I don’t think one can ever get too old to want a hug! 🙂


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