HOPE Believes in YOU

Credit: SBI
Credit: SBI

“Life isn’t finding shelter in the storm.  It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” 
~Sherrilyn Kenyon

Hope awaits in the wings. It can be quiet and slow. Whatever unexpected thing that fate has in store for you will show itself in its own time. These things cannot be rushed. I know, I’ve tried. The trick is to be patient and keep busy and always, no matter how many time you fall flat on your face or how many times the cruel wind pushes you down, you must get up. Despite the taunts, the jeers, the doubts and the fears that may pop up in your mind, you must pull yourself up and face that cruel wind with a smirk, a smile, and a fight in your heart.

Sometimes life can be a vast ocean and we are only small vessels traversing through its choppy waters. You say to yourself: I am drowning and I can’t go on–I can’t take it anymore. The seas are too rough and too great and I am so small. You can see the stormy skies and you wonder how you can possibly hold on. You can hold on! Perseverance is holding on when you think you are about to let go…hold on for a minute more. Sometimes that’s all it takes, just a minute more and dawn will break. The ocean will be still and the sun will shine upon it and the world will be a glittering jewel once again.

Sometimes help comes in the most unexpected of places, in the strangest of forms. It is help nonetheless. Never give up, never stop trying. Hope can come in starts and fits. Hope can be a light at the end of a very long tunnel, a light so dim that you cannot see it but it is there. Keep moving, don’t stop dreaming. Keep going forward even if you have to crawl because the light is there, I promise you. I can see it and it burns as bright as the sun.

You are not alone in the dark. We are never truly alone. Reach out into the darkness and hope will be there lighting the way…You must believe in hope….because it believes in you.

Credit: Public Domain
Credit: Public Domain

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” 
~ Douglas Adams

BIG red heart

Share hope! (onenotalone.wordpress.com)

Hope’s Enemy – Adversity (hope4usnow.wordpress.com)

Hope Has Wings (hope4usnow.wordpress.com)

The Darkest Of Times (hope4usnow.wordpress.com)

Hope for Humanity (lovinggodinchaos.com)

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

28 thoughts on “HOPE Believes in YOU”

  1. Ah, thank you for this. I appreciate the reminder – especially that what is waiting will show itself in its own time. It is wonderful to have you singing this song for me to hear, when I am having difficulty singing it myself.


  2. Very powerful. One never knows what is in store, by holding on and staying strong just a little bit more, you may very well indeed be throught the worst of the storm.

