Seven Truths of Random

The all-knowing eye that knows all
The all-knowing eye that knows all

Today I was swimming in the creative juices of my fellow bloggers (please don’t picture this) in the deep end of my reader pool when I ran across the daily post’s daily prompt. I usually skip this as I am usually full of ideas, but this one called to me.  It suggested I write down ten words off the top of my head, pick three, make that my title and write about it.

What an excellent and intriguing exercise.” I said out loud to myself. ( I talk to myself a lot, think of THAT what you will)  but anyway, to go back to what I was saying: I thought what a great, um… I mean… ‘What an excellent and intriguing exercise.” And do I ever need exercise. I admit that my writing muscles have grown somewhat flabby lately, perhaps it’s the heat.  I don’t know but this idea by the fantastic people over there at the Daily Post got me going. I immediately made out my list of ten words off the top of my head.

  1. Random
  2. Mind
  3. Spirit
  4. Body
  5. Money
  6. Choice
  7. Seven
  8. Truths
  9. Time
  10. Destination
The thinking of deep thoughts
The thinking of deep thoughts

As you can see I have a lot on my mind.  Oh what a wealth of interesting subjects to write on I said to myself.  (See how deep I am.)   I was set to write all kinds of deep stuff.  Fantastic thoughts and wonderful ideas swirled in my mind. So many that I became dizzy just thinking about them. “This is exciting!” I said to myself ( I told you I talk to myself a lot.) This is a chance to show everyone how really hip and happening I am. How I’m so smart and oh so deep.  I gazed fondly at my ten words….

Which three to pick?  I knew right away random would be one of them…I mean random is so well…random.

I have been reading this book on innovation; “Where Good Ideas Come From.” The author brings up the valid point that many good ideas come not from one individual mind dreaming up them up, sitting alone in a room and thinking-thinking-thinking…many if not most good ideas come from a collective of minds.  A community. This brings to mind the community of bloggers here at WordPress and beyond.

This is an enriching  place, this blogoverse. I will read some posts and get instantly inspired. I have had the luck, foresight or both to have run into some pretty smart bloggers out there with much to say and I have learned much from you. Today was no exception….and so as I was saying ( sorry, if I am rambling) I was immersed in this fun “problem” of picking just three words to write a mind-blowing and oh so deep post about.

What’s next?  Random, mind and spirit popped up and instantly got me thinking…..hmmmm…sounds like Astral traveling; which could be an inexpensive way for a poor wannabe writer such as myself  to see the world and bring along some of my favorite blogging buddies. Oh what a time we’d have!  Skimming across The Atlantic..shooting to the Milky Way and beyond.  I couldn’t wait to pack my bags when it hit me—no chocolate! I forgot to include chocolate on my list—how stupid and so not like me.


So this chocolate thing got me distracted I must admit. I was forced, I say forced to focus my mind with a largish bowl of creamy and no doubt, fatty chocolate ice cream… this seemed to calm me and my mind was then free to stumble about to places it should not go when I put together another triad of words: body, money and choice. Since this blog is PG rated I knew this would not do. I immediately put together three other words: truth, time and destination. This made of think of writing an action packed story about time travel!  Whoo-ho! This is it! This is how I can show off my creative talents! I sharpened the imaginary pencil that writes in my mind and got to work only to realize that all the Science Fiction I’ve read in my life had come back to haunt me. I didn’t want anyone to accuse me of subconscious plagiarism as I discovered I was writing out the plot of  H.G. Wells‘ “The Time Machine.” So another three words would have to do.

I started to wonder about myself and my sanity at this point. The good people at The Daily Post need me to come up with something great and witty and deep..did I mention deep before? Did I mention how wonderful and smart the people are over there at the Daily Post? (this is me sucking up by the way) Did I mention that in the almost two years that I have been putting out this blog that I have yet to be Freshly Pressed? (hint-hint)

And so back to the wondering…I am wondering what to do and then it hits me; the three words; random, seven and truth—The Seven Truths of Random,.  How exciting and intriguing and…oh so deep. What a perfect title!

Instantly I remembered a quote:

  “Life is random and fucked-up and arbitrary, until you find someone who can make sense of it all for you— if only temporarily.”

~Matthew Quick

"Undress Parade"

and then I remembered that I’m PG rated, and I have chosen not to use words like “fucked-up”  oops. sorry….but the meaning is meaningful; many of us are looking for meaning. I know I am. For someone to tell us the truth and not just seven random ones but all of them.  I thought I alone cannot but perhaps together we can. Sorry, this is where I admit that I don’t have seven truths for you, not even random ones but I do have something…a fantastic array of creative friends (that’s you guys by the way) that will never cease to inspire.  THAT is the truth and nothing but…and by the way, thanks for that!



Daily Prompt-Haphazard (

Daily Prompt: Three-Tenths (

Daily Prompt: Three-Tenths (

Daily Prompt: Three-Tenths (

Haphazard (

FUN STUFF to Ponder

  How to Perform Astral Projection (

The Time Machine 1960 excerpt of film (YouTube)

How to Time Travel (

 Astral Traveler by YES (YouTube)

English: Artist's conception of the spiral str...
English: Artist’s conception of the spiral structure of the Milky Way with two major stellar arms and a central bar. “Using infrared images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, scientists have discovered that the Milky Way’s elegant spiral structure is dominated by just two arms wrapping off the ends of a central bar of stars. Previously, our galaxy was thought to possess four major arms.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

22 thoughts on “Seven Truths of Random”

  1. Truth is found in the random wisdom we glean from those that inspire us in the community we surround ourselves in.

    A great post, with a lovely title. 🙂


  2. I was also thinking about time travel yesterday, Nancy. Maybe we were crossing paths in our Astral Travels. I can’t remember exactly what I was thinking, but it had to do with time travel not being about time, but about ideas. If we can remember an idea or experience then we are transported to that time, even if that time preceded our birth. Random, huh? {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


    1. Hey Kozo, Yes, I think I did see you in my last travels. I never thought about time travel not being about time exactly. What you say is food for thought, almost as good as chocolate. 😉 Reminds me of music and how the right song can instantly transport one into the past. There are songs from my youth that at the time I didn’t like but now I will find myself listening to and enjoying because of this. {{{Hugs back}}} Nancy


  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. …many of us are looking for meaning — so true. But, the understanding seems to change through our life journey.


  4. Oh this made me smile! I would have chosen the word Random too, as it opens up so many possibilities! And since chocolate wasn’t on the list, eating some was an excellent alternative solution. 😀 Have a great and inspiring week Nancy!


      1. In my blog I subtly speak of spiritual ideas. I try never to hammer ideas on the reader. Number 2… You are part of the Divine thus you are Divine.. There is no sin… Anti Christian thinking… Sorry


        1. Hey Omtatjuan, Thanks for number two. I very much like it. And by the way, Anti Christians as well as Christians are welcome here! We are divine my new friend! It is a beautiful thing. Thanks for your input.

