Happy Distractions and Frivolous Nonsense

Canned Nonsense. Please have some...
Canned Nonsense. Please have some…

You can always find a distraction if you’re looking for one.~

Tom Kite

A-ha…yes, I am now back to more serious matters. I have had a good rest and now have woken up on the sunny side of the bed.  I promised this next post would be something lighter and hopefully I will come through on that…so far all I have is the title but as you can see it is a damn good one. So I am talking to MM about this. “So what will I write?” I ask. I seldom do this, I usually am full of ideas but today, well…lets just say I am open to anything.  MM doesn’t say a word, he is asleep so I must look elsewhere for inspiration and there he is. Who is he you ask? Why it’s Mario my famous cat.  He has just sashayed through the door from another night of carousing and now has the nerve to demand breakfast.  Just where has he been?  I wonder if he has a secret life?

Ever wake up to find  a scene like this?
Ever wake up to find a scene like this?


  1. He stays out all night.
  2. You find lipstick on his collar.
  3. You get strange phone calls in the middle of the night consisting of heavy breathing and insistent mews.
  4. He has taken to wearing cologne–Salmon flavored. (there is something fishy here alright)
  5. He spends a lot of time grooming himself.
  6. He seldom has time for you anymore.
  7. You find that he has erased his text message history.

I know what you are thinking…Yes, I know my cat is famous and he is very busy. I realize this. You should see the amount of fan mail he receives but something has changed. We just don’t talk anymore like we used to.  I can’t remember the last time he took me out someplace nice. I asked him point-blank ‘What are you up to?”  He just stared at me with his big green eyes and then just plopped over and went to sleep. I don’t know what to do about this. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I will keep you posted.

Now on to more pressing matters…let’s play a game shall we…

In an effort to get back to some serious journalism. I googled the word “cute” and the word “disturbing” can you tell me which photos were featured under cute and which were deemed disturbing?


This one is easy. Obviously cute.
This one is easy. Obviously cute.


nonsense monkey and bird cute love
I took liberties with this. This was actually under “cute monkey love”
This was listed under "cute"
This was listed under “cute”
This was also listed under "cute"
This was also listed under “cute”
Believe it or not, this was deemed "disturbing"
Believe it or not, this was deemed “disturbing”

smile random fact


3 Little Birds by Bob Marley (YouTube)  A Happy Song!



World Happiness Report 2013 (unsdsn.org) Do you live in one of the happiest places in the world?


♥ Spread the LOVE!  Sign up to write love letters to people in need at MoreLoveLetters.com 


Sometimes I just need to bury my head in the sand for a while and just let what is to be…be.  Time passes and events will occur, much of it is beyond my control.  It is a good thing to let out all the rage and dissatisfaction with events and writing has always been a therapeutic activity for me. I have appreciated the ongoing dialogue with you.  It is nice to know that I am not alone in my feelings about events in the world.  I will not be silent about my thoughts and feelings but there is a point where it becomes counterproductive .

While it is healthy not to keep feelings inside it is also healthy to know when to let go and turn my focus on what I can change.  Thanks for all the support my friends.



Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

16 thoughts on “Happy Distractions and Frivolous Nonsense”

  1. I love that the squirrel was disturbing. Though I bet becaise he was eating junk food. Thanks for brightening my day. 🙂 As to Mario, I think you are right, he is up to something…


    1. Hey Niaaeryn, I’m so glad I brightened your day, THAT brightens mine. I have been posting some heavy stuff lately and it was very nice to get back to something fun. Thanks for showing up, you are a gem! 🙂 BTW I’m keeping my eye on that cat… 😉


  2. I’ve reached that same point where the head gets buried for awhile. Couldn’t believe I was actually listening to some of the old, old country music hits on Youtube last night. But I went to sleep feeling a bit better, so it’s all good! ALways nice to check in with you and hear what you or Mario are up to. 😉


    1. Hey Gunta, I have reached the same point myself. Mine is when I find myself singing along to sappy 70’s love songs and enjoying it. (please don’t tell anyone, that is embarrassing ) 😉 By the way Mario says “Hello”!


  3. I’ve said it before, and will say it again Nancy – you’re a treasure! Such a funny post that made me chuckle, giggle, smile, and laugh out loud! 😀 I should love to know what Mario gets up to while on his night time adventures… 😉 Have a great and happy weekend with lots of laughter!

