
The hard rain pelts the street like soft bullets that echo off the pavement. The wind howls and shakes the windows with impatient fury.  The gutters have overflown, clogged with wet leaves and rivers have formed that rush past the house and down the block to who knows where.

We in in the midst of a mighty storm. It is the edge of a typhoon and it sure feels like it. Outside the weather rages but inside we are safe and dry; cozy in our little red house with the little white door.  Mario the cat sits in a cardboard box, one he has claimed as his own. His ears are up and his eyes alert. I hear my daughter’s lovely little laugh in the next room and I smile.

MM is watching the news in yet another room. I can hear the newscasters excited voice. I am in the dining room writing down my thoughts as the chicken sits soaking in it’s teriyaki marinade.

I listen to the sound of the rain mixed with the radio in the kitchen; Riders On The Storm by The Doors. Oh how apropos. The evening is bathed in a certain coziness reserved for stormy nights such as this. It is good to be here in our happy little home.

Earlier today I dug out my sweaters and changed the sheets to flannel in anticipation of the changeover from warm to cold. I suppose I am jumping the gun but it just seems so right. We went shopping earlier and have stocked the cupboards and fridge with good and healthy food; stopping along the way by the farmer’s market in the rain for a bag full of yummy organic veggies seemed like the right thing to do.

It is the perfect night for a colorful stir fry accompanied by rice and freshly baked bread. A container of chocolate fudge ice cream awaits in the freezer. It calls to me: “Nancy remember me after dinner.”  It’s cute little chocolaty voice is temporarily obscured by the nagging voice of the fridge saying;  “Clean me you silly woman!” I ignore this and answer back to the ice cream: “I could never forget you.

Besides the ice cream for desert, another round of Star Trek episodes in on tap for later. We have gotten a box set of the third season at the library and I am looking forward to watching it. There is a comfort to watching old beloved shows from my childhood and this classic Science Fiction is on top of my list of favorites.

There is something to be said for cozy comfort and the love of family…ah the joys of domestic bliss!


rain and rain


“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.” 

― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Riders on the Storm  (YouTube)


Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

23 thoughts on “Cozy”

    1. Hey Janet. It was the kind of night perfect for staying put and and just keeping comfortable. I bet you have had your share of storms over where you are. They have a certain dangerous and exciting element to them, as long as the power doesn’t go out and the ice cream melts… 😉


  1. That is a very cosy image you’ve painted Nancy. It’s quite chilly here too, and summer stuff is being washed and put away. Hope that storm isn’t too nasty, but I do like listening to the rain at night when I’m lying in bed, safe and warm! (If the power goes off you’ll have to eat the whole tub of chocolate ice cream before it melts…)


  2. I love the picture of the rain drops!

    It is storming up on our area too. The wind is a blowing and those tall and hopefully sturdy trees that surround our house bend to impossible angles. The rain comes and goes and so far the power has stayed on. Hope you have an wonderful cozy evening and the storm passes with no damage.

