SBI’s Tips for Instant Health and Easy Weight Loss

Haha….got you with the title didn’t I? I’d like to think I fooled you but I know you are too smart for that, but it did get your attention did it not?  I’m not above cheap theatrics; I’ll freely admit, but I do have a bit to say on this subject because there are many who do fall for this sort of nonsense all the time.

The quick and the easy

People want big results with little or no work. It’s an American thing, this instant gratification. Pair it with another very American thing; our fixation on looks, endless youth and vitality. We are talking some serious stars and stripes here.

We are a nation obsessed with health or at the least the appearance of health. People want others to think they are really healthier and more together than they really are. We  have this desperate need to show others what a full life we are leading,  jam packed with triumph, success and over-the-top uniquely unique experiences.

What trumps being perfect is at least looking perfect….and we are a self loathing society.  33.3 % of Americans are overweight and 35.9% percent are considered obese. Our ideal of beauty does not configure to the perfection that most of us can never live up to.

strong-woman-vintage exercise

This is not to say that being overweight is not a health hazard, it is, but there are a number of other factors that contribute to good health and beauty for that matter than just what is considered the ideal weight and shape.

I have spent most of my life hung up on my weight. Starting with my first diet at the age of 9, continuing on through my teenage years and then onward into my adulthood. I was caught up in the angst of weight worry and denial. Following one crazy dieting idea after another. Denying myself and denying in general that the way I was going about it was well, stupid and all so wrong.  I once spent two years of my life, two years..denying myself ice cream, yes ice cream!

Like so many others my self-worth was hung up on body image.  I would compare myself to the ideal airbrushed “perfection” the media feeds us all. Of course I could never come close. No one can.

vintage woman tape worm diet exer

There are a million promises from a million sources who will tell you they are the ones with the secret to slim perfection. Just promise to pay the shipping and handling and it will be sent out immediately.  One thing these empty promises provide is at the most, false hope with none of the hard work or willpower that accompanies eating a sensible diet, getting regular moderate exercise, time and patience. Nothing is easy and nothing is free. (except for love)

Sometimes there is temporary success but these fad diets and insensible lifestyles are difficult to keep up. It is easy to feel like a failure. It is also quite common for let-down people to comfort themselves with food and overindulging,…the very activity that is a major culprit in weight gain.

because of fat women exercise vintage

It’s big business; The health and weight loss industry. Add the beauty and fashion industry and you have a powerful bloc of economic players and reapers of piles and piles of big money. These companies get richer while we get more unhealthy.

They play on our fears and insecurities; pointing out what we “lack” and selling us a bottle of the stuff. Let’s stop buying it.

Tell them to keep it and let it rot on the shelves until they see that there is nothing lacking in us– it is they who lack. They lack the obvious; they cannot see the beauty that is inside us all. What a shame is that. Let us not be manipulated any longer…

We are all beautiful. Damn what they say, that  media which feeds us stale perfection for us to consume.

quote beauty old-smiling-woman


YOU are a beautiful being.  Believe this. Know it.

Some people have a spark; a special something that transcends the physical.  It is the belief in oneself.

What matters is one’s inside. It is the light of the soul and the love in the heart.

Beauty has a way of shining through.

Beauty is kindness and compassion. Beauty is strength and resilience. Beauty is devotion and gentleness. Beauty is quiet. It doesn’t declare itself it.

Beauty just is.



people vintage girl smile flickr

 References and Related Articles


How Does it Feel to be One of the Beautiful People?  (


Diets Through History: The Good, The Bad And The Bizarre  (

Food Faddism (Wikipedia)

10 things the weight loss industry won’t tell you (

The Facts on Fad Diets (


This has been the 200th post on this blog. (Yay!)

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

14 thoughts on “SBI’s Tips for Instant Health and Easy Weight Loss”

  1. Inner beauty cannot be packaged, marketed, sold, or purchased. And there’s the rub for today’s consumerist culture. Just like the Velveteen Rabbit becoming Real, inner beauty comes only from living and loving, and being, instead of buying.
    Congrats on your 200th post Nancy! This is a great one. And your inner beauty shines through.


  2. Well done to your 200th post. I can’t believe denial of icecream for 2 years, that is willpower…..
    In th end all it comes down to is portion control. Have a lovely day Nancy!


  3. Beautiful! Very true and very well put Nancy. The photo of the old lady really does bring it home – we are all beautiful from the inside, we have to let it shine! Your post reminded me of a lesson I did with a class of 17-24(ish) year-olds – mostly girls – where one question in the exercise was “Which part of your body would you change if you could?” I was amazed at the quick responses from almost all of them including an anorexic beauty of 19 years… sad, and part of our world today. Have a beautiful week, oh and congrats on the 200th! 😀


    1. Hey Cathy, I’m glad the post resonated with you. I’ve touched on the subject before but I think it’s an important one.

      Have a beautiful week yourself you wonderful person…..and thanks for reading till the end. 🙂


  4. I agree, though I try to focus more on healthy…and having a minor issue with the caffeine addiction, but not giving up on moderation. I almost think that is the crux, everything in moderation is easier than binging and dieting. And overall, yeah, we are more beautiful than we give ourselves credit for, thanks media and dieting corps. Well said, Strawberryindigio. Brightened my evening. 🙂

