Fresh Quotes: March MADNESS

Here I am.  It is a quarter till midnight on the last day of February. I am floating beyond both the physical and the intellectual into a  soft and fluffy sort of sugary mind-zapping void that not only resides in but thrives in wide stretches of the world wide web…..otherwise known as “the internets”.

I am currently googling “vintage strange people fun” and seeing the array of absurdities parading before my very eyes.  (If you have never done this I highly recommend it.)  …okay, I have a lot of time on my hands but not as much as you’d imagine…it is that important.  Mad you say?  Perhaps….

I start giggling then laughing which gives way to loud and succinct guffaws. I try to stop but keep giggling….oh my family must think me mad…..

She’s quite mad you know…

strawberry smile

Here’s proof…..

mad insanity certificate 001

There’s more than one kind of madness. There is the crazy “out there” wacky madness. For example my conversations with random squirrels around town, recording this nonsense and putting it on YouTube.  That is a fun kind of madness the type that many young eccentrics like myself and probably you too enjoy.

There is also the sort of madness that comes about when the squirrels talk back. This is a not so fun kind of madness, depending really on what they say. An example of the worst kind of madness is when the talking squirrels start criticizing your life choices and making fun of your colorful outfits.

Today we’ll be concentrating on the fun variety of madness; the kind that has been scrubbed clean of any unpleasantness with a good strong anti-bacterial soap.

What follows is an example of quotable madness accompanied by some trippy pics with a side of SBI.

Happy March my friends,

Enjoy the madness




strange-and-funny-vintage-animal-photographs-4 mad

“Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?”
 Douglas Adams

Vintage Intelligent Animals (1) elephant mad

“Humor is reason gone mad.”
― Groucho Marx

1920s-flapper-dances11 mad vintage

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
 Marilyn Monroe

att00025 vintage odd strange lard

“The mad are happy, the sane ignorant; those of us stuck on the sane side of madness or the mad fringe of sanity are in a purgatorial cage.”  


swing dance mad vintage 5

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”
― Jack Kerouac


“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”
 Philip K. Dick

jimi hendrix madness mad hatter wonderland

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.”
― Lewis Carroll

quote moon ginsberg moon purple madness

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.”
― Aldous Huxley

Vintage Photos of Animals Acting Like People (16)

“Stay mad, but behave like normal people. Run the risk of being different, but learn to do so without attracting attention.”
 Paulo Coelho

quote mad carrol 1 black

MAD YouTube

One Step Beyond by Madness

Insane in the Brain by Cypress Hill

Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

MAD Articles

The Mad Artist (

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

21 thoughts on “Fresh Quotes: March MADNESS”

  1. It is March, and I love squirrels. I think it is all good fun. Still, it as Emily Dickenson once said, “much maddness is Divinest sense.” Oh Spring, you really are coming–yeah. 🙂


  2. This is so sweet the squirrel whose nuts you lost….. I love squirrels. And I love your madness… better than being boring. Your certificate says it all ! Enjoy the madness, I am with you here!

