Bee watching



Mario my famous cat and gardening companion.
Mario my famous cat and gardening companion.


The miracle of life lies out there teeming in the dark rich earth. I can feel it.  I can sense it and it is a wondrous thing.  No matter how many times I see a tiny sprout emerge from the soil I  am awestruck at such beautiful complexity inhibiting such lovely simplicity. Everything has it’s place, it’s purpose. Exquisite harmony and balance reins supreme…or at least it used to.

I have spent much of my 44 summers enthralled in the wilds of an urban garden; laying in the grass staring up at the imaginative clouds, cavorting with the butterflies and communing with the bees. As a young girl I felt a kinship with nature that has only intensified with age.  I feel in tune with the earth and with all living things and I have always had a special affinity for the natural world and all the beautiful shapes and colors of life on our amazing planet. 

It has been only natural for me to embrace gardening as one of my passionate pastimes.

As an adult I have spent countless hours in glorious toil in the backyard sun, digging and planting and weeding and planning. I have transformed a weedy double lot into what I refer to as my sanctuary, my retreat from the artificial inside.  I feel safe there and so do many of the urban wildlife that visit.  The neighborhood cats especially like it here and it isn’t uncommon for me to have a clan of disinterested felines “cheering me on”.

I am a great observer. It is another one of my pastimes; watching and observing and drawing conclusions….and I am a great watcher of the earth and I don’t have to tell you how sick it is. 

How sick our mother is. Our planet Earth. Our only home is ill. She is dying. The signs are all around. Some people don’t want you to believe that because they are more interested in the status quo but if we don’t change our ways there will be no status at all. 

It seems so far away; all this unbalance, this poison that eats away.  It is all around us, in our plastics and pesticides, in our gas- guzzling machines and in our diet colas. It hasn’t hit most of us yet…not really, but can you hear the rumblings? I can. I do as I sit in my garden; my sanctuary.

California Poppy in June Credit: N.L. McKinley
California Poppy in June Credit: N.L. McKinley

I sit in a prime spot next to a huge swath of brightly colored California poppies. They are one of the stars of the garden at this time of year and a favorite among the bees, including my favorite, the honey bee. I remember a time when they would be in beautiful abundance; busily buzzing from one flower to the next. I have noticed them slowly start to vanish…little by little; just a trickle at first but now it grows more obvious every year. My eyes scan the flowers and I only see a clumsy black bumble. I patiently wait…I don’t see a honeybee. I scan the grass at the clover I allow to grow, still no honeybee. The sun is out on an 80 degree day in June and where are they?


 Ahhh there’s one.  One honeybee and two bumbles…



Honeybee in June by N.L McKinley
Honeybee in June by N.L McKinley


Bumble Bee in June accompanied by Orange Poppy. Credit: N.L. McKinley
Bumble Bee in June accompanied by Orange Poppy. Credit: N.L. McKinley

Perhaps it is still to early for them…perhaps I didn’t wait long enough…I will go out and look tomorrow for another one…

California Poppy in June Credit: N.L. McKinley
California Poppy in June Credit: N.L. McKinley



More stuff to ponder…

Just me Nancy reporting from the urban wilds of my backyard…SMILE!  Have a good one and remember what our friend Anne Frank said:


“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” 
― Anne Frank


Sometimes that is all we can do…

(And one more thing: please no more pesticides. I know YOU don’t use them but for anyone who may. Please as a personal favor for me…stop.)



“The natural world belongs to us all and it is vanishing at an alarming rate. We the people of this planet have a responsibility to the generations that come after us. I believe we gardeners have a special and vital role to play in the protection of our dwindling natural assets.”


~N.L.  McKinley


bee gif flying



 Related Sound and Natural Tunes


Marvin Gaye – Mercy Mercy me
Counting Crows – Big Yellow Taxi ft. Vanessa Carlton
Blind Melon – No Rain
Optimistic Sunflower and Bee. Credit N.L McKinley
Optimistic Sunflower and Bee. Credit N.L McKinley


Related Articles and Items of interest




List of crop plants pollinated by bees (Wikipedia)


Mass bee die-offs reported in Portland area (


A Disastrous Year for Bees: ‘We Can’t Keep Them Alive’ (New York Times on You Tube)


Feds aim to save declining honeybee (


Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

22 thoughts on “Bee watching”

  1. I caught an interview on the radio last month with a scientist and author who spoke on the importance of bees in pollination and healthful crops. So interesting. These buzzers are critical to ecological balance. Beautiful blog. =)


  2. Like your post, incrdable vidio of the bees.
    I also like cats,birds and natures balance.
    One thing we must remember is cats love birds too.
    Cats love birds in a different way to me.


  3. Mother Earth is on life support. The hills here in California are dry as a bone.. No water! Fire season will be extended.. I like bees:)


  4. Getting my own hands in the soil every day gives me a better appreciation for all there is Nature. Always nice to hear from others who respect the Earth as you do. Peace.


  5. I love your poppies Nancy! I do hope you get some more bees turn up to enjoy them too. We are also very worried about their decline in Europe, but so far this year I can only report positive news… more bees than I’ve seen for years! Awareness is growing here, but sadly people still use sprays and pesticides in their gardens…
    Happy Summer! 🙂


    1. Cathy, I am elated and encouraged by your positive news, Europeans are so much more enlightened about pesticide use and I hope we silly Americans can catch up. Say Hello to the bees for me–in German of course…haha 😉


  6. Good one, Nancy! I remember when fireflies flickered on the lawn every summer evening in our suburb. Now there are none, I suppose because of efforts to kill mosquitoes. There are simply too many people!


  7. Nicotine based Round-up is what is killing our bees. The planet is sick yet we have these people on the right saying, “this planet is meant to be used.” It says it somewhere in the Bible.. Oh man are we screwed…


  8. I heard about the bees. Just imagine life without bees. Impossible then that life goes on. We do need to protect so many things, as our planet is slowly destroyed. And we don’t notice as it is so slow. Only one day when something is miccing, we realise and then it is too late! Great post to make us think! Thanks Nancy!

