Cats in Space


cat-my_god_it's_full_of_stars space cats funny

This is a scene from the upcoming musical remake of the Science Fiction classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. It features an all-star all cat cast and is directed by and stars my famous feline Mario.  I know what you are thinking: How can a cat direct a movie?  I thought that myself at first but when he explained to me that he had attended “directoring school”  in one of his previous nine lives and that he was, and I quote, “Golden”   I felt he may be onto something. I mean he isn’t famous for nothing.


I had the impression from him that this would be easy but it has been anything but easy.    Cats never do what you want them to do, even the so called “professionals”.  They are demanding and picky. The cast members would send me out for tuna sandwiches and almost every single time they were dissatisfied with the quality of the fish and would meow mercilessly until I returned to the restaurant and demanded better. Half the delis in town thought I was a nut.

tuna cat

These actor types, what prima donnas…and the director himself you ask?  What a hot head. He was driven by some sort of vision but what that vision was, I had no idea.

Mario had no sympathy for me and no time.  Whenever I tried to talk any reason with him he would suddenly get up from his easy chair and utter in his heavily accented husky voice: “This conversation can serve no purpose anymore, goodbye” and sashay out.


The power has gone to his head I tell you. ( He’s gone quite mad you know)  

cat dance 1


Mario would stay up late at night practicing his dance moves and sing old bawdy sailor tunes from his past life as a ship’s cat. My goodness, those songs can get raunchy. The neighbors complained. The police have been out several times due to the loud music and the gang of mewing groupie cats that sit outside on the front lawn at all hours stupefied on what I think was very potent catnip.


space cat face

Seriously I had my doubts. I mean the whole thing was filmed in our backyard and most of the sets were imaginary.  I was never allowed back there during filming. I would go to the side gate and leave the tuna sandwiches. I had no idea…but it just goes to show why my Mario is as famous as he is…


cat space burger


The advance reviews have been “stellar”. I don’t get it, but the critics loved it.  I hear it is a “tour de farce” and a “cinematic meowsterpiece”. I can’t believe it but my cat’s movie will premier at the Canne Film Festival.

It’s just goes to show that you never know and don’t doubt the dreamer until you see the fruition of a dream.



Pink Floyd Echoes and 2001 A Space Odyssey 

(Pink Floyd Echoes synchronized with 2001 A Space Odyssey – Jupiter and Beyond The Infinite. 720p version.)



Star Trek All-Star Extravaganza and Jamboree

space stars gif star trek

Boldly going where no blogger has gone before; into the depths and reaches of time, space and syndicated television greatness to celebrate nothing less than a cultural phenomenon.

Star Trek

I am not the only one who shares a fondness for the crew of the Starship Enterprise.  We are everywhere, we connoisseurs of the best Sci-Fi creation of all time.  Seldom does a television show make such a far-reaching and significant impact on popular culture. Cancelled in it’s third season, this low budget small screen affair returned and won over a devoted fan base and cult-like following in reruns followed by movies and spin-offs.

The show touched on many important issues of the day. Much of the themes it explored are still valid today.  Star Trek explored more than just a fictional universe. It explored the issues of the day during a  time of great social change. It had much to say and subtly it spoke volumes. Star Trek pushed the envelope a bit when it could. It showed a future world where we humans had grown up; in which the people of the Earth had seen beyond their differences and embraced unity in a Federation of Planets.  Money was obsolete and it seemed everyone was free and able to pursue their dreams by utilizing their unique talents thus contributing back to society in a positive way.

It was Utopian, it was visionary. It spoke to a generation and then to another and another….

The crew of the fictional Enterprise comprised of a well-rounded mix of humans with a smattering of beings from other worlds all living in harmony. Sure, there were dangers out there…but that is what made it fun and there was always a lesson…and it was fair. The star of the show was the ship: The Enterprise. To its captain she was everything. In that crazy made-up universe she carried her adoring crew to far off exotic planets where they’d experience adventures and save other humanoids….spreading  justice all over the galaxy.

 Another world saved at the last minute, a sigh of relief and a little joke and on to more adventures ahead…warp factor 1.

 There are likely a million people out there who probably know more about the show than I.  It has quite a number of devoted admirers, I am but one. One of the many amazing thing about Star Trek is the feeling of devotion and loyalty it evokes. Of the original series I have seen every episode, more than once. Each one is unique and comfortably the same. I still watch one from time to time and it’s like coming home; akin to steeping inside a toasty warm and wonderful memory that smells faintly of Mom’s roast beef, mashed potatoes and greatness.

and so without further ado I present SBI’s

star trek sulu with sword gif

 Star Trek All-Star Tribute Extravaganza and Jamboree


Bringing you oddly shaped bits and pieces of pixel goodness, presented haphazardly and entirely for fun by me for whomever has the guts to continue on…..

**Note:  What follows is not earth shattering. It will not make you cry, ponder or reflect in anyway. You will not learn anything whatsoever, in fact you may lose brain cells along the way. This may  inspire you but not in any sort of meaningful way. What follows is a frivolous distraction filled with all kinds of cool GIF’s.  🙂  Okay. That being said let’s hop aboard!




Number of episodes in The Original Series before it was cancelled

(See list)



Captain James T. Kirk--egotist in space

James T. Kirk: Genius doesn’t work on an assembly line basis. Did Einstein, Kazanga or Sitar of Vulcan produce new and revolutionary theories on a regular schedule? You can’t simply say, “Today I will be brilliant.”


McCoy_experiencing_cordrazine_frenzy star trek

Dr. McCoy: Spock, I’ve found that evil usually triumphs…unless good is very, very careful


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Leonard McCoy: The release of emotions, Mr. Spock, is what keeps us healthy– emotionally healthy, that is.

Spock: That may be, Doctor. However, I have noted that the healthy release of emotion is frequently very unhealthy for those closest to you.

star trek scotty drink


James T. Kirk: Another technical journal, Scotty?

Montgomery Scott: Aye.

James T. Kirk: Don’t you ever relax?

Montgomery Scott: I am relaxing.

star trek kirk and keeler

Edith Keeler: One day soon, man is going to be able to harness incredible energies, maybe even the atom… energies that could ultimately hurl us to other worlds in… in some sort of spaceship. And the men that reach out into space will be able to find ways to feed the hungry millions of the world and to cure their diseases. They will be able to find a way to give each man hope and a common future. And those are the days worth living for.

star trek gif fascinating spock

Did You Know?

Star Trek Facts

  1. Lieutenant Uhura’s name means “freedom” in Swahili.
  2. At the same time the Star Trek series was beginning to create a loyal following, the Monkees were exploding onto TV sets. Consequently, Roddenberry created the character of Pavel Andreievich Chekhov as a close approximation of the Monkees’ lead singer, Davy Jones—with a Russian accent.
  3. Divorce Klingon style means slapping your spouse, reciting the words “N’Gos tlhogh cha!” (our marriage is done) and spitting in your spouse’s face.
  4. Klingons prefer to eat food that’s still alive. A favorite meal is gagh, a slimy serpent-worm dish, followed by warm blood wine.  (Yum)
  5. Vulcans have inner eyelids that protect their eyes from the intensity of the Vulcan sun. They can also survive several days without water, perhaps because they evolved on a hot, dry planet.
  6. Even though they’d prefer not to mate, Vulcan’s are compelled to reproduce by a ritual called Pon Farr. Once every seven years, they are consumed by Plak-tow, or blood fever, in which they become  savage and may even fight to the death.
  7. Vulcans were once an extremely violent and emotional people until Surak developed a new philosophy of logic, which spawned the Vulcan time of Awakening. Those opposed to Vulcan logic left the planet and founded colonies elsewhere, most notably the Romulan Empire.
  8. The character Spock was at first rejected by network officials who feared his vaguely “Satanic” appearance (with pointed ears and eyebrows) might prove upsetting to some viewers.  Spock, however, went on to become one of the most popular characters on the show. Spock, in fact, became a sex symbol of sorts–something no one connected with the show had expected. Leonard Nimoy notes that the question of Spock’s extraordinary sex appeal emerged:
    “almost any time I talked to someone in the press…I never give it a thought….to try to deal with the question of Mr. Spock as a sex symbol is silly.

star trek spock gif happy

Speaking of a certain Mr. Spock…

Yes, I have mentioned in a past post a girlhood crush I may have had on the Vulcan. I do tend to fall for the conflicted and emotional  types…but I have since moved on. He is aware of this and we are “just friends”. That being said I would like to address some rumors that have been bandying about regarding the candid photo shot by a member of the paparazzi at an exclusive Portland mall. Yes. It is I and Spock, but despite what the tabloids say we are Not, I repeat Not running off to Risa together.

Spock and Nancy

My heart belongs to someone else but THAT is another story…

So what are your favorite Star Trek memories?  Do you have a favorite episode or favorite character? Do you even like Star Trek at all and are wondering why I keep going on and on about it? These are the questions, if you choose to answer….regardless, this post will now self-destruct in five seconds…haha. Just kidding…seriously…

Have an amazing day full of fun space adventures….or chocolate, either one but have a great day!


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Odds and ends and little snippets

Top 10 ‘Star Trek’ Technologies That Actually Came True (


Star Trek: The Original Series (wikipedia)


Star Trek Quotes  (wikiquote)  An excellent resource.


To Boldly Go Crazy: The Weird Fan Art Adventures of the Starship Enterprise



Where No Man Has Gone Before Star Trek: The Original Series (Every episode)

Lucy in the sky with diamonds by Bill Shatner   (Psychedelic)

Mr Tambourine Man by Bill Shatner (Very Very Shatner)

Spock Singing Bitter Dregs


Harold and Maude and me

Cover of the Harold and Maude video, with lead...
Image via Wikipedia

Harold and Maude is a hilarious black comedy from the Seventies.  It stars Bud Cort as Harold and Ruth Gordon as  Maude. 

It has slowly reached cult status since its release  in 1971.  I first saw this excellent film back in the mid eighties at a run down theatre on the south side of town.

This was a favor to a friend, I wasn’t the type to go see old movies about weird-looking bug-eyed dudes and old ladies.  I went for the company and the popcorn, nothing more.

I left that sticky theatre a bit altered.  From then on, Harold and Maude has remained on my list of all time favorite movies.  It is totally worth watching.

Harold (Bud Cort) is 20 and obsessed with death and freaking out his mom. (Vivian Pickles)  His theatrical suicides set up just for her benefit are some of the funniest scenes in the movie.  It is not called a black comedy for nothing.  

Harold meets Maude (Ruth Gordon) through their common love of going to stranger’s funerals.  Maude is 79 and a total trip.  Harold is pale and full of death, Maude is full of life.  They instantly click and a strange but wonderful relationship develops between the two. 

Maude teaches Harold and us all how to age with some gusto and  how to live life to its fullest.  It looks somewhat dated but the message is timeless. Cat Stevens, when he was still Cat Stevens, provides the music that sends this movie over the top and really makes it excellent.

This superb movie introduced me to the late Ruth Gordon who was a gem of an actress and a terrific role model.  She had quite a history as a writer as well.  Look for her in Rosemary’s Baby, she totally steals the movie. I want to be just like her when I grow up!

Harold and Maude in my opinion is one of the best movies ever made. You should check it out. It is Totally Worth Watching.

Harold and Maude (1971) Directed by Hal Ashby. starring Bud Cort, Ruth Gordon, Vivian Pickles, Cyril Cusack.  Screenplay by Colin Higgins.

Have a great day!       Strawberryindigo.

Saturday night fight: Kirk VS. Picard.

Kirk vs. Picard (2/365)
Image by JD Hancock via Flickr

There’s something I must confess; I am a Star Trek fan from way back, I don’t claim to be an expert on the subject of Star Trek, there are many others better versed in The Star Trek Universe. I am but a humble appreciator of quality Science Fiction.

Two of the most well-known of the Star Trek characters are among some of my favorites.  One is James T. Kirk.  Captain of the Enterprise in the orignal series and Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek, The Next Generation.

Come on, who wouldn’t be a fan of either one of those guys?  I can’t help but wonder:

Who would win in a match up between the two?

Kirk Vs. Picard…..Let’s do this thing!

James Tiberius Kirk  Captain of The Enterprise in the original series.  What can I say about this swashbuckling Romeo with illusions of grandeur.  A tin plated hero adored by his crew.  A man so devoted to his ship, he had no woman before her.  It was almost sexual between Kirk and his girl.

Not that Kirk didn’t like a little, well a lot on the side with every humanoid female in the galaxy.  But no matter how strong the pull, Kirk always returned to his beloved.  The Enterprise.  

Kirk was as loyal as you can get and the bestest friend anyone could have.  Sure he was hung up on himself and all that.  And he wasn’t the brightest bulb.. so what.  He had Spock for that.

Kirk had spirit and that boy sure was plucky.  He loved a good fight and I love watching him in action, especially when he gets that little dribble of blood on his lip and his shirt gets torn.  Wow!  Now that is quality television right there.

Kirk never let a little thing like the Prime Directive get in the way of a good time.  Dammit, Jim had his priorities straight.  If I still drank,  I’d go have a beer with the dude, maybe several, and some Klingon Ale too.  

As captains go, Kirk was O.K., but as your roommate in college…totally amazing!  Kirk’s the man! 

Jean-Luc Picard  When I first met Jean-Luc back on Farpoint station I have to admit, I had my doubts.  I didn’t know what to think..A bald Frenchman with an english accent?  He sure was no Kirk, but who could be? Right?  So I gave him a chance, he had no Spock.  He needed all the help he could get.

Jean-luc was a little off-putting and stuffy.  As I mentioned, I didn’t know what to think….until Wesley Crusher, Picard hated children: Wesley included.  I hated Wesley.  We were united in our hatred of Wesley Crusher!

This endeared Picard to me.  As the seasons went by, I thought more and more of Picard.   His calm reasoned approach was reassuring.  Maybe I needed a Dad, not a boyfriend.  I don’t think Picard was in a hurry to get in a conflict, he tried to think his way out, instead of fighting.  (We need leaders like this in the real world)

I’ve done much thinking on this vitally important question, I go over and over it again. Some of the greatest minds have pondered this and how can I, little me, even begin to answer it?

I guess Picard was the better Captain, Kirk was the better all around guy and Spock….he’s the best of all in my book.

….Besides I like Spock!  All that logic and emotion rolled up in one.  Totally conflicted, just like me!  Haha.  He is, in my opinion; light years above the rest. He should have been Captain.

Live Long and ProsperStrawberryindigo.