The Twitter

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Either it’s a sign of the Apocalypse or I’ve just plain lost my mind, but recently I signed up to Twitter…..yes, Twitter.  I tweet. I haven’t discovered the purpose of all this just yet, I suspect that it is as purposeless as many non-tweeters would suggest.  I mean what do we tweeters get out of all this?

Well, let me tell you. I asked myself this very same question not long ago:  I admit that I have been using this whole twittermania as fodder for some very lame jokes. I also admit that I feel a little silly for being there tweeting the night away…fascinating my 3 followers (thanks guys) with my twitterisms of profound thought mixed with delightful quips and random observations, all this in 140 characters or less.

As we are on a roll with this admitting thing, I should say that I am having some sort of strange fun doing this.  I enjoy having strange fun and this certainly qualifies.  Where else can you chat with Oprah or sass Kurt Vonnegut or find out how often Bill Gates thinks of Sorghum ( a lot)

Maybe I’m looking for answers, perhaps this little blue bird can whisper them in my ear…or inspiration; Tyra Banks is full of that ( you go girl with all that fierceness)  It could be that I just want to join an endless chorus of a million birds all tweeting a glorious song of humanity….who cares if it makes any sense anyway?  What does?

Do I look familiar?

The Indigo Bunting Bird and I agree; it may be kismet…..I don’t know….I do know however, that I’d love to see you over there……we could make beautiful music together, ponder the mysteries of the Universe or at least pass the time engaging in pointless chitter-chatter.

Strawberryindigo.   @ THE INDIGO SIDE

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

10 thoughts on “The Twitter”

  1. I tried to Tweet but it was exhausting. It was just too fast for me and I was becoming a slave to my phone! But it is amazing to be able to interact with famous peeps and there are a lot of funny people out there!


    1. I am finding this out. It is exhausting and I am not even trying to keep up. I am having fun interacting with a strange list of celebs. Sad fact though I found out….George Clooney does not tweet. 😦 Kurt Vonnegut thinks he is deeper and smarter than he really is, or his assistant does anyway and Oprah takes not very good photos. All sad, all true.


  2. Haha excellent! I am also an avid Tweeter- @LezGeek ; ) I believe it’s purpose is to appease those of us who talk to ourselves. Frequently.. Lol

