
Hope is a dream. It is quiet.

It begins as a whisper in the dead of night in the cold darkness of winter.

Hope is the pale sun in the distance just beyond your fingertips.

It is nourished by the heart and it’s loved by the soul.

Hope never gives up.

Hope is a window to bright sunny vistas

And clear blue horizons.

Hope is a rock.

It is a port in the storm. It is steady and true.

Hope knows the storm cannot last forever.


Hope is alive and it is magic.

It is all-powerful and nothing can be accomplished without it.

Hope keeps the home fires burning and hope shows the way.

It fights off the darkness.

Hope is the light.

Hope is essential for life to thrive.

It can make your wildest dreams come true.

Hope starts with a spark in the dark

but that can set fire to flame.

It all begins with you.

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

20 thoughts on “Hope”

  1. This is just what I needed to read today! All night I was down in the dumps and feeling that life was pretty pointless (not THAT pointless) but this lovely post lifted me back up out of the depths. Thank you so much for the much-needed boost, SI!!!!
    Btw, I love you too!


    1. Hey Beckie: I’m glad to have helped cheer you up. I have been down myself. My real life has been throwing lemons at me all year and I can’t afford any sugar to make lemonade so I just sit here and suck.

      Good to see you. You have been missed. 🙂


  2. Lovely words Strawberryindigo. As a gardener, I think Hope is definitely light and all the things you say, and also a seed that can grow if nurtured. 😀

