Fresh Quotes PEACE March

peace sign in public domain

There is a movement afoot called Bloggers for Peace. It is a crazy dream started by my friend Kozo from Everyday Guru’s. Kozo is a big-hearted person who believes that we can achieve this dream of living life in peace. I happen to agree and the more people involved the better. This blogging for peace is growing and growing and with every post published, we inch our way closer and closer to achieving this seemingly farfetched goal.  It had to start somewhere and Kozo wasn’t the first person to yearn for peace and he won’t be the last. Perhaps this is futile after all, but peace is a beautiful song and the more people who sing it the more beautiful it becomes and all the more powerful.

Please join us. Add your wonderful voice, let it be heard. All that is asked of you is devote your talents and energies to at least one post a month for peace. The details are here.

So in honor of Peace. I thought this month’s helping of Fresh Quotes would be devoted to this lovely cause.

Much happiness to you my friends, 


Life is beautiful!
Life is beautiful!

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”

Flower Power
Flower Power

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings.”

~Mahatma Gandhi~

Sgt. Shane Pudgett hugs his wife goodbye as his son, Bryce, age 5, sheds a tear.
Sgt. Shane Pudgett hugs his wife goodbye as his son, Bryce, age 5, sheds a tear.

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
~Albert Einstein

Peace + Love=Happiness
Peace + Love=Happiness

“Imagine all of us living in peace, it’s too beautiful to just be a dream.”
~John Lennon~

We can all do our part!
We can all do our part!

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt~

The faces of War
The faces of War

What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”
~Mother Teresa

PEACE is the word
PEACE is the word

“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love.”

~Francis of Assisi~

Just say "NO!"
Just say “NO!”

NEVER GIVE UP…No matter what is going on…Never give up…Develop the heart… Too much energy in your country…Is spent developing the mind…Instead of the heart… Be compassionate…Not just to your friends…But to everyone…Be compassionate …Work for peace…In your heart and in the world…Work for peace…And I say again…Never give up…No matter what is going on around you…Never give up”

~Dalai Lama

Our future lies in the heart of a child
Our future lies in the heart of a child

” If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
~Mahatma Gandhi~

bloggers forpeace6
Click to join!

Related Peaceful Articles

**The post that started it all**

****We can make a difference right here right now (****

Monthly Peace Challenge: Marching towards Forgiveness (

Sharing Some More Thoughts (Inspirational) On “The War For Peace” (

Bloggers for Peace on Facebook (

The Peace Garden ( **My other blog**

B4Peace – February (

 Living My Dream: I will fight for you people (

PEACE is Possible (

Peace & Love Are Eternal… (

Spiritual Peace (


Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

40 thoughts on “Fresh Quotes PEACE March”

  1. One of your best! I love the Mother Teresa quote. So, true – if we cannot manifest love and peace in our own homes and own hearts, there is no way we can manifest it on a larger scale.


    1. Hey Janet! I think that is the only way it can be accomplished, if it can be. On a small scale, one to one….just like a seed that grows and grows and with a lot of care and love and much good luck it can someday becaome a mighty Oak tree. Thanks my friend, it is always so nice to see you!


  2. Thank YOU so much for offering this incredible, loving and peace-filled post for us all. It is wise, beautiful, insightful, and uplifting. Bless you heart and keep up the wonderful work!
    Namaste ~ Gina


  3. A beautiful message and one with great resonance at this time. Thank you for spreading the word, peace and great quotes 🙂


  4. Love and peace are what every individual on this planet needs in both their heart and mind. They are what the world needs now and has always needed. Thanks for reminding us of our responsibility to create peace within so we can manifest it without. Thanks for featuring the articles of others, who are on the peaceful pathway as their articles inspire us to fulfill our true purpose ie. peacefully becoming one with all that is.


    1. Hey TiTi: I really enjoy doing a monthly post for Peace and I enjoy it all the more that it brings other bloggers together. It is a worthy cause for sure. Thanks for stopping by my friend. 🙂


  5. Love this post, Nancy. i actually have that Dalai Lama quotation hanging in my office, but I haven’t read it in a while Thank you for reminding me. Peace is possible with creative and energized souls like you creating special moments like this everyday. {{{Hugs}}} Kozo


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