Scribbles from a little blue notebook…

Lonely field in cyan
Lonely Field in Cyan- Credit: SBI

Songbirds sing a song tinged with sweet hope bidding a farewell to the dark of yesterday’s night. The sun has not yet risen but they know it will, as do I. The clouds are strewn in patches across the sky. The sky is dark blue interlaced with an even deeper indigo that outline the tall buildings which are spotted with light. It seems every third window is lit with a warm and welcoming light. Each one reminds me there is a devoted soul inside who is engaged in some early morning business. I hope they will stop if only for a moment to watch the sun rise…and rise it will, just as it always does. There is a certain comfort in that. A certain knowingness that no matter how life changes there will always be some things we can depend on.

Credit: SBI
Credit: SBI

I hear the train in the distance just as I always do. It’s arrival is marked with a melancholic anticipation. The bike riders show up at the last-minute, their blinking helmet lights announcing their arrival. It is always this way. I sip the last of my hot tea and steady myself before we board the train. It is already half filled with early morning commuters.  We are all silent. There are no smiles, no revelry. Some stare out the windows, some read paperbacks and a few others steadily tap away on laptops. Many start to drift off and some are asleep as we make our way into the long dark tunnel that starts my morning journey.

I take out my little blue notebook and start to scribble, recording my thoughts and dreams and hopes and schemes.  I stretch my mind and explore my imagination searching for something profound or funny, but today I find nothing. …just the remnant of a song I heard earlier and the lingering doubts I sometimes feel about myself. Writing eases the lonely hours, this act keeps me from feeling so alone. It will be this very thing that will save me…someday…this I must believe.

Credit: SBI
Credit: SBI

The sun rises as we make our way from station to station. Yes It did come, this glorious sun! This sun we knew would come. I think of the songbirds back at the station I left far behind and I think of what awaits me at my stop where I will get off.  I smile a little private smile knowing that someday this will be all worthwhile as long as I can just take it day by day…

Reporting from the “wilds” of Beaverton,


Credit: SBI
Credit: SBI

NOBODY HOME by Pink Floyd

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

18 thoughts on “Scribbles from a little blue notebook…”

  1. One day you will take all of those bits and pieces, moments of your life, that you have saved and you will pour them all out on the kitchen table so that you can put them together like a puzzle; it will sort out the meaning of your life.


  2. Writing will keep saving you, will keep your senses alive and your heart connected to those around you who love to read your words. Keep those early morning dates with your little blue notebook, keep writing your life!


  3. That is such a lovely piece of writing Nancy, I can imagine the rhythm and sounds of the train, and the silent sleepy commuters… and I can feel a little melancholy too. Your little notebook is a great idea, so keep on scribbling! 😉


    1. Hey Cathy. I am a notebook kind of person. I’ve always had a couple going at least. Yes, the melancholy is there…a bit but the sun is there as well. I hope you are having a good weekend. Thanks for you being you Cathy! 🙂


  4. It feels like I am there! Very appealing to both senses and intellect. Connecting with Nature too, ah birds love hearing them in the morning. Lucky you can stay awake, the rocking of trains can make me sleep too easily. Great you can write on the ride. Maybe I am a bit of a hippie but I dig the scene, the moment, and the hope:)


    1. Hey Niaaeryn, I’m glad you liked it and I’m glad you may be a bit of a hippie, I feel the same way. This commute is providing me time to write and think which is important for sure. Thanks for the thoughtful comments. 🙂


  5. Wonderfully vivid. I could hear the sounds of your journey as you progressed along your day. Yes, the sun, that perennial light, shines all the while; perhaps we should follow its example. 🙂


    1. Hi James, It seems the sun has figured prominently in my writing lately. I think perhaps that shiny orb may be trying to tell me something….thanks for your always thoughtful comments. 🙂

