

“As things stand now, I am going to be a writer. I’m not sure that I’m going to be a good one or even a self-supporting one, but until the dark thumb of fate presses me to the dust and says ‘you are nothing’, I will be a writer.”

Hunter S. Thompson,

For every blogger, there is a seemingly “normal” looking person who lives, works and dreams out there in the “real” world. We who write and create and share exist mostly under assumed names beneath a cover of unknownness and anonymity. We come in all shapes and sizes, under a rainbow of colors and experiences, faiths and nationalities. We are a varied group indeed whose representatives span the globe bringing such diverse and wonderous ideas, thoughts, knowledge and wisdom.

We all have one aspect in common; the need/want desire..compulsion even, to share what we know, what we learn and what we experience with others. We yearn to reach out in friendship and understanding through a mutual curiosity of each other and the greater diversity of humankind. We are storytellers and poets, artists and dreamers. We are lovers of life and all its wonders…we are compelled to do this…and most of us do it for free.

I know how much work you put into your blog. It is obvious the time and attention that is put into such a production. There is a love here, at least a sort of affection and there is a degree of satisfaction in having completed another post and pressing “Publish”. I can imagine how it may feel after writing a whole book! Wow! It feels good to create, to put something out there into such a world that does exist beyond oneself.

It would be nice to get paid for this…I mean really nice and great and wonderful and all that, but I’d write anyway…money or not…


We are a curious lot, we bloggers…at least I can speak for myself.   I’m sure by now anyone who has been here before and will surely attest to the fact that I am different…and proud…and I do think many of us would admit to being at least a little  odd, a bit unusual,  more colorful or just plain strange.

I have found in communicating with a diverse group in this community of ours, that we tend to be thoughtful and intelligent…most of us seem to care about other people and the world around them. I have found most to be independently minded.

I feel like a have a secret identity. There is Nancy, the soft-spoken , shy and quiet type and there’s opinionated and preachy Strawberryindigo who is sometimes full of herself but sometimes discovers sweet little colorful burst of brilliance along the way. THAT one. We are one and the same but different. SBI is more outgoing and friendly…SBI is  more sure of herself…Nancy is a chicken. I sometimes think to myself…I wonder “what SBI would do in this situation?” Sometimes I’ll take the advice and at other times I don’t have the guts.


It’s a strange duality and I wonder how many of us think along the same lines. There is a degree of voluntary anonymity here and this is freeing…

I sometimes wonder how others deal with this duality in the real world. I was wondering if many of you tell others about your blog? My immediate family knows, some cousins and a few friends know but mostly I keep the whole thing to myself. I have told a couple  co workers, and a few chance acquaintances; I feel this probably wasn’t the best idea. It seemed to be more of a confession than a proud proclamation……the words would just tumble out of me…”I have a blog” out of the blue..  Most recipients of this vitally important news have gotten a look of indigestion tinged with subtle boredom flicker across their faces and that they are secretly hoping I won’t ask them to “see” it..

I don’t know…what do you say? How do you say it? I feel funny about it and so I haven’t told many people..


I think there are some preconceived notions some may have about bloggers, creative types and writers in general,.I’ve noticed that, and it’s probably my imagination, but some people hold back after they know you are a writer’s as if they think I will write secrets and unflattering words about them in some tell all book I’ll write in the future. Even MM, my beloved and charming adventure companion has accused me of planning to commit such an act….

…no wonder he’s always on his best behavior…

Like I said there are certain little joys to this “busyness”….

Beautiful yum


From time to time I will see a seemingly normal looking person or people taking pictures of absolutely ordinary things; buildings, trees, reindeer signs,  beautiful chocolate desserts…and I smile wide knowing he or she is a comrade in arms.

I don’t feel so strange snapping close up shots of bumblebees on irises in the parking lot at work or whippping out the camera at the grocery store…I must admit that I do enjoy sprawling out on the neighbors lawn in order to get that perfect shot underneath the leafy tree branches…

I feel like I am a part of a greater whole….a larger community…made up of people who like to share of themselves and their lives even if that means taking pictures of food in a restaurant or down at the market or whatever and writing about it…to me this is fun stuff and I bet to many of you…

There is a certain peacefulness to the whole practice…snapping snipplets of life and then write a bit about it, put it online and it comes back to life; just like that…and then these little snippets, these pieces of life of hopes, dreams, thoughts and ideas that  in the past before this technology would have stayed hidden in the dark corners of obscurity…like shooting stars…these little snippets can be set free to wander the virtual global community….later to be picked up like a bottle on the beach by a random beachcomber perhaps on the other side of the world…

This is almost akin to magic and there are treasures out there if one just looks….

Have you ever noticed that bloggers like to write a lot about blogging and that other bloggers like to read about it?  What this accomplishes, I don’t know..perhaps it’s just nice to belong….

Wishing you well on this rainy end of an all too short weekend…



How does it feel to be one of these bloggerful people? 

  How have your experiences in this virtual world affected you?

Changed you? enhanced your life? or otherwise?

Let me know “How does it Feel to be a Blogger?”  

kissing the troops vintage

Great writers are indecent people

they live unfairly

saving the best part for paper.

good human beings save the world

so that bastards like me can keep creating art,

become immortal.

if you read this after I am dead

it means I made it.”

Charles Bukowski



Blogging Neophite (

Bloggers & Authors….. (

5 Great Ideas for Your Next Blog Post (

10 Things You Should Know About Bloggers (

Scribbles from a little blue notebook… (

Author: Natalia Ravenswiid

Pen Name of nmw

33 thoughts on “The BLOG”

  1. Great piece…personally writing helps free thoughts in my mind that just needs to go somewhere. So I choose this forum…the wealth I get from it is when I put out something and it touches someone in some form or the the other…that is really a good feeling, when someone comments, thank you for that or this touched me or something to the sort…so thank you for this…


  2. Beautiful post that really resonated with me. I too have only told a few of my friends about my blog, and except for one dear friend the response is just as you described. An interesting side note: I recently realized that while I really look forward to reading my blogger friends’ posts in the morning, I’m becoming bored with most of my “real friends” posts on Facebook.


    1. Hello Ruth. Thanks. I feel the same why. WSe have a special little community here and when we step away it’s easier to see that. (BTW “weirdandcoolstuff, what could be better!)


  3. Do you ever get to the point where blogging takes over big chunks of your life? I really have to watch that because there is so much interesting stuff out there and the next thing I know, it’s taking me hours to get through it all. I’m really feeling it since I’ve fallen so far behind because of my trip. I’m so sorry to have missed you! I think getting to meet you would have been great fun.


    1. Hey Gunta: I’ve been there. I wish I had the time to go there, but I will be there again. Yes, blogging can subtly start to take over.
      I regret not having been able to meet up with you but the future is ripe with possibilities!


  4. This is such a great post – you captured all of my emotions about starting a blog and sharing what I think and write on it. And welcome back! I’ve missed you! (And I get it – my writing has been quite constipated as I sort through experiences that are good and exciting and not quite ready to be put into words.)
    A number of people found my blog because I added a blog link to my email signature. That felt quite bold and scary when I did it, like telling a big secret, but now it’s just a matter-of-fact part of what I do. I often forget that there are people in my everyday life who read my blog – they will tell me they liked a post, and I am again surprised that someone I know actually reads it. But most readers are those I met through their blogs or through them somehow finding mine and leaving a comment.
    I think people who know me through my writing know much more of who I really am than those who only know me in person. I rarely can coherently speak words about my heart and my feelings. They come out through the writing. I am blessed to have found people and community in the blog-world where I am heard and where I feel I belong. Like you!!!!


    1. Hey Janet: So glad you indentified with what I wrote. It seems we can be more of ourselves here.
      Thanks for welcoming me back! I apprecaited you noticed I was gone. Thanks friend.
      . I was taking a bit of a break but also coudn’t write anything presentable, If I don’t like something for whatever reason I won’t publish… sometimes it is the wrong time. Now the words come but the meaning isn’t meaningful.

      As to being one of those people who read your blogs, I find your writing enjoyable, you generally tell a real life tale based on your experiences. You put depth and feeling in it. It’s so easy to tell what a good person you are, what you do, how you are what you are…, this is admirable, I can tell you are deep and soulful and wise. It’s funny though, personally what I think some of your best writings in are comments you’ve left for me.
      I think we have much in common, my friend. Glad you are around.


  5. blogging is an odd art. I never saw myself as a blogger, even though I’ve always been a writer. But I had severe writers block for years after having children and blogging broke that. Now if I could just write something that wouldn’t just wind up in my archives…


    1. Hello Writer: I’m there with you. I didn’t write for several years after having my two children and blogging helped break that block. It’s so freeing….and you are right; what to do with it?


  6. Hi Nancy. I absolutely love this post, in fact I’ll probably read it one more time. So much of what you write is “right on” with how I feel about blogging and bloggers. I’ve personally met two people in the past year who blog and I knew them first as blogger friends. Now they are both online and real time friends. The first said I looked like my picture but was surprised that I was more soft spoken and not as outgoing as expected. The other one said I was exactly what I presented to bloggers, so who knows! But I do so agree with you. A great Post!


  7. Great post, Nancy. I feel like i am slowly moving my life from the real world into the blogosphere. Many of my friends are here. All the issues that I care about are here. I am moved to tears and wisdom here. Real life seems to pale in comparison, except for my 2 adorable sons.
    I have gotten the same look from friends and family whenever I mention the word blog. Those that have eyes will see…
    {{{hugs]}} Kozo


  8. I laughed about normal people pulling out their camara for all kinds of stuff. My mom hands me her vase of flowers every time I visit 🙂 I posted my blog on my husband’s fb which we share but I just use because that is an easy way to access my photos. Right at first, I would put a link to my blog, But now I figure who needs to find me will. I don’t mind that my husband’s boss (the principal where i used to work) and a lot of teachers who were too good to talk to me when I was an aide there now read my blog. My mom who I am reuniting with sees a part of me she never could see. I think in sharing my blog I am saying,” This is me and I don’t care anymore if you approve.”
    Great post. I enjoyed reading about blogging 🙂


    1. Hi Laurie: Thanks. I’ve found you can really get to know someone through their writings…I like your atttitude about whoever finding you finding you…glad you are being found.


      1. It’s darn scary to trust my soul-
        I am trusting I will find my way and be found instead of making a plan for now, as I am focusing on raising my young daughter. So, I just keep writing-
        Thanks for the note!
        Much Love-


        1. Hello Laurie! Good, keep writing, it’s what good writers do best! …and it is scary to trust yourself but you must, you are doing important job being a parent. Thanks for the response.


  9. You’re absolutely right Nancy. It gives me a feeling of belonging… fills a gap… creates friendships with like-minded people and allows me to be just a little bit creative too. I have told most of my friends and family, but only few are interested… some have even hinted at it being a waste of time. (Although strangely enough my neighbours love it!) It’s good to know there are people out there that think like me – glad you’re there Strawberryindigo! 😀


    1. Hey Cathy: Its wonderful to be among like minded people…freeing really. Too bad we are not neighbors Cathy, I’d like that. We could chat over the hedge or something…haha..
      I’m glad you are there too…thanks for that. 🙂


  10. Per me…è la possibilità di dare spazio alla creatività…di essere in relazione con persone affini che amano il bello, l’arte, la vita nelle sue innumerevoli espressioni, il sentirsi uniti in amore che oltrepassa i confini del mondo!!!…
    Grazie per questo invito alla riflessione! 🙂
    Un abbraccio affettuoso


  11. Writing, gardening, painting, singing, creating something is such an amazing process. I think for me that once you have put words to the page then the response is out of your control. It is like having strangers, friends, and family judge your children.


  12. Almost a blog-ception, love it:) I also missed you, but life is hectic I know. Great to see you back and loved the visuals of photographing with you. To a question you posed:
    I started the blog as a school project and then only told one good friend, I locked myself out of my car that day. Funny actually, then you found me. In time I told family and other friends and of course other bloggers found it. I love the audience, input, community, writing, etc.
    It has been fun, but I have had to monitor what I say given my family and my awareness that it is public, anyone could read it. I wish I could blog/write more openly, but that is life I guess.


    1. Hey Niaaeryn,
      Interesting how and why people start blogging…and keep bloggging…it’s good to be back, thanks for saying I’ve been missed, that means a lot friend….I’ve been in a rut…and write and write but it’s just not working out so much…kinda taking it easy.
      I understand about watching what you say…I have standards on this blog that not all sides of my personality agree with 100%. I may have to do some anonymous writings under an asuumed name…totally different stuff written by my “evil twin” 😉 (aha)


  13. I have told my family and friends, I think the reluctance lies in the fact that, for example: My Step father liked to criticize my work. (it’s important to note, we do not speak anymore) I sometimes write personal stories that I find myself more comfortable with virtual strangers knowing but would be embarrassed or perceived as weak by my family and peers. Although on the flip side, there’s something satisfying when someone you respect comments that your article was good. Great article! I have been in a rut lately with my writing but you have inspired me.. As always ; )


    1. Hey Sparky: It’s hard to take criticism from anyone especially a family member. I always hid my writings from my family when I was younger but my parents weren’t very interested anyway. My sister reads my stuff now, she’s been very supportive.
      Thanks for the respect…it’s totally mutual. I understand ruts…in one myself…however, I should be popping out the other side anytime now… 😉 ~Nancy


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