A Beautiful Award


How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?”

 One of my all-time favorite bloggers and people is Cathy and when she graciously nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award  I was very pleased. What a fitting award coming from someone who is such a beautiful person herself.

Thank you Cathy!

Cathy’s site Words and Herbs (I love that name) is a sight to behold. Stunning photos, lovely words and inventive and completely natural yummy recipes.  Cathy is well versed in plant knowledge and lore. Her posts are always informative as well as enjoyable and definitely beautiful. I can’t say enough good things about Cathy and Words and Herbs.
I would highly recommend visiting her site.  It is well worth it.
There are rules that go along with receiving the award but Cathy and I know that some people are put off by them. I count myself among these people. In my humble opinion there are already too many rules in this world and this is supposed to be fun. It supposed to be a networking event; for getting a little recognition for having a good blog, perhaps upping the traffic a bit…
In the wise words of Cathy…”Accepting this award is purely a matter of choice – there is absolutely no obligation!”
That being said (whew) what follows are the rules for those that do like them:
~Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them~Nominate 7, 6, or fewer blogs that you enjoy~Notify the nominees by posting a comment on each of their sites with a link back to yours. Write a post to commemorate the event and paste the award image somewhere on your blog for the world to admire.
  A Nature Mom: Encouraging outdoor play and exploring the wonders of nature… every day!   A Nature Mom realises the importance of nature in a child’s life.  There should be more blogs and moms like this. Beautiful all around.
 Mirth and Motivation: Motivate. Elevate. Laugh. Live Positively…  This blog promises and delivers. Beautiful, interesting and motivating for sure.
I would reccommend these two beautiful blogs for anyone needing some interesting and uplifting reading.
Happy Blogging!