Waves of Sound

“Music melts all the separate parts of our bodies together.” 
― Anaïs Nin


Darkness comes early now. I watch from my window as the light gradually fades.  I light a rose-scented candle and select the perfect sound to accompany this very moment.

The sound comes at me slow…then seizes me fast like a high tide. Waves of pure sound like the green sea surround and engulf me….I am taken to a place of exquisite color and fantastic landscapes that seem to go on forever.  I am alive in this one moment in time–suspended in sound.

Oh how it moves me. I feel each note resonate deep within like amber brown honey; smooth and sweet. I lie back and take it all in. The candle flutters in the breeze from the crack in the window. The shadows dance in time to the music like the beat of a heart…



I think we first experience music hearing our mother’s heartbeat. This strong yet fragile piece of mortal human keeps our blood pumping, the very same organ that lets us love like crazy…it keeps a beat and a comforting predictable sound.  It is the rhythmic song of life and oh how beautiful!

Music is heartfelt as it should be. As in all great art it is infused with a tiny piece of its creator.  Music is sound….and sounds are basically waves made up of vibrations that move through a medium, usually air.  Sound is not tangible.  It can be recorded onto something tangible but what it is…the essence of it lies not in something to be held in the hand….the power that music has lies in the human heart and soul.

It never ceases to amaze me; this power of music. It can elicit such an emotional response in people.  The right melody can strike a chord and touch you in a way nothing else can.  To me it can be akin to stepping inside a pool of pure emotion.

It is unique and it can touch us in many intricate ways.

music dance tango-51631_640

Music is an art that, in one guise or another, permeates every aspect of human society. It is used for such varied social purposes as ritual, worship, coordination of movement, communication, and entertainment. We attach so much significance to music. It plays such a big role in many of our lives. It provides the backdrop to everyday…slowly coiling itself like a snake around our memories. It attaches significance to places, events and people and imprints itself on our perceptions of time and reality.

It has certainly made an impression on me. I listen to music every day, I can’t imagine not doing this and I can’t imagine life without it.


“To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.” 
― Aaron Copland


I listen to a wide variety, I have my favorites, I like to visit…again and again, like old friends.

 There have been times when a certain song or artist was my only companion…

billie holiday
Billie Holiday

Music can be quite an intimate experience. There is a winsome loneliness, a crying out–an outpouring of emotion that I hear in some songs. I can feel the ache. It is these songs that I hold most dear.

363watercolor sky black
Credit: SBI

Take a listen to a song by a friend of mine. What do you hear?  What colorful landscapes does this beautiful music paint in your mind?

~The Mines of Moria  by Marc C. Miller~



dove flying

One of These Days by Pink Floyd (Trippy Video)  I highly recommend this!

The Man I Love by Billie Holiday

 What Causes Musical Experiences? (anthonyramirez13.wordpress.com)

Poetry: Music for the Brain (johnbalaya.com)

How Music Can Be Better For You Than Sex and Cheesecake (youtube.com)

Musings on TIME and other savory things

“How did it get so late so soon?”

― Dr. Seuss


We are beholden to time.  It gives whatever fate has determined for us to be a fair measure. It is always there.  It is quiet. It sits like a spider in its web, waiting in a seldom used corner of a dark room…

It can be patient, this time.  At other times, it is as quick as lightning. It can be a soft trickle of water that slowly cuts through rock and stone or the tidal rush of mad ocean that can fill a mighty canyon in minutes.

I see the lines that time has left in my face; places where smiles have once been, crinkles around my eyes, the inevitable forehead furrow that comes from deep thinking. I suppose I have earned these, although knowing that doesn’t take away the feeling I get. It still surprises me when I look into the mirror and a 40-year-old looks back at me when when I still expect that 20-year-old to.  I  look like me but different. I know a hell of a lot more than the 20-year-old did. The sparkle in my eyes are the same–maybe even brighter than when I was younger. I have found one doesn’t have to be under 30 to have a spring in one’s step.

I have been on this planet long enough to witness some time pass. One can see a lot in 44 years of life. It is not nearly enough in my opinion. To me it seems my life is just beginning.  There is so much to do, to experience. I think I am finally starting to catch on.

And while one is figuring it all out..it just sits there dispassionately and ticks.

Ouch. You can’t reason with time. You can’t sweet talk it. It is incorruptible. It stands firm, no negotiating. It goes on and that is that…

…and it demands we deal with our own mortality. Damn that time.

black hole of my imagination

A human lifetime is but a mere blink compared to the age of this planet…or age of the universe for that matter. To think in those spans of time requires one to walk among cold things, unblinking things…things we will never know or understand.

Even I don’t want to know everything.

It is much better to feel everything. Experience everything we can.  Every single damn moment can be an eternity if we enjoy it enough.


And I am off to enjoy those moments…
and savor them slowly.
Like a warm cup of dark coffee on a hopeful sunlit morning
smooth and rich, uplifting…happy.
enjoying each moment fully and then letting go.
Moments like chocolate and hazelnuts
Sweet and inviting. ..alive


Wishing you happiness my friends,



“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

― Mother Teresa



TIME by Pink Floyd  (YouTube)

Time Travel; Theories, Paradoxes and Possibilities (space.com)

Shine on you Crazy Diamond

Six Savory Shortbread Recipes to Pair with Soup this Fall (thekitchn.com)

Musings on time. (broganknight.wordpress.com)


Leap-of-Faith blue sky guy

“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”  
―     Margaret Shepard


Come on in….the water’s fine…


Sometimes one must jump into the cold pool of uncertainty fully and with gusto. Realities of life rarely afford us the chance to dip a toe into the water and slowly emerge ourselves, gradually taking it all in…aware and ready for each step. No. Life is often sudden and in your face. Events can turn on a dime requiring you to act and right now.  Often it takes a leap of faith.  It is then we must put aside all fear and just do it!  Jump in with both feet, eyes wide open ready for anything.  You can never know what is just around the corner.

Life is what we make of it….and our lives consists of a series of choices, each one effecting the next….twisting and turning. The road is unpredictable….but variety is the spice of life. Who wants to be bland and tasteless in a world filled with wondrous and exotic tastes?

It is easy to allow the uneasiness of unknowing to  overwhelm.  Fear is formidable. It is engrained in us. Fear alerts us to danger….real danger.  Fear can drive people to action. That same fear can also prompt inaction. These instincts have served us well in the distant past. But the world has changed. Old fears have been replaced with new ones. Most of us have no need to fear being eaten in the jungle by a tiger or bitten by a venomous snake. Modern fears may not be so immediate, they may be more complex and sometimes not everything is as it seems.  Valid fears of homelessness, joblessness, bankruptcy, war or global warming, etc. These are real fears and the answers are not so obvious. Frequently there are no real answers. Sometimes it is not as easy to see where the danger lies exactly, and we are confused. This encourages inaction. “Look where you leap” is good advice but not if indecisiveness leads to doing nothing at all.  Action is the key.

leap-of-faith fish


Seize the day! The world awaits. Take control of your destiny. Lest destiny be in control of you.

Change is inevitable. Be that change! Take  ownership of it. Make that change work for you.

Typically when it is all said and done, it is that which you did not do which you will regret.

  We can ride the waves of cliché as far as it takes… mere words only go so far.

Real progress and anything worth anything at all takes work.

and there is no better day to start than today!


We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”  
―     Marilyn Monroe


                     Flags amongst the trees

                     FEARLESS by Pink Floyd (youtube)

Walk Confidently Past Fear (borntobeaheroine.wordpress.com)

Fearlessness is not the same as the absence of fear (janaknmistry.wordpress.com)

A leap of faith (lotushealingsa.wordpress.com)

Musical landscapes


Oh what a gift is music. It is but a simple thing, these sounds we call music.

Music is color.  It paints pictures in my mind, sweeping vistas and tragic landscapes, rolling hills of green.  Tender dewdrops on a petal soft rose, the rush of a thousand rivers to the silent sparkle of newly fallen snow.

Lush, electric and alive. Intoxicating,  liberating and primal.  It is emotion. Raw and simple, plain and beautiful.

Music wraps itself in fond memory and instantly transports me back in time. Music can stimulate. It forces yet gently prods to emotional highs and bittersweet lows.

Music is powerful. It is bold and commanding yet subtle with soft whispers and gentle kisses promising the foreverness of love and the joy of life. It is uplifting. It is strong, brave and true.

It is a necessity and my life would be hollow without it.


What landscapes do these songs create in your mind?

Vivaldi‘s “Storm”


The Venture’sSleepwalk”


Pink Floyd’sOne of these days”


Beethoven’s  “Moonlight Sonata”


Led Zeppelin‘s “The Rain Song”
